Decorating Services

  • Consultations available for personalized design advice.
  • Source recommendations for products and services.
  • Tailored solutions for one room or entire house transformations.
  • Decorator For a Day Packages for quick makeovers.
  • Expert advice on paint, furniture, floor plans, and style enhancements.
  • Utilize existing items to improve your current look.

New Construction and Remodeling Expertise

  • Review builders' plans to avoid costly mistakes.
  • Advice on electrical and lighting placement, fixtures, furniture, and more.

Local & Remote Consultations

  • In-home 2-hour consultations covering various needs.
  • Paint deck presentations for color selection.
  • Digital consultations using photos, measurements, emails, telephone, webcam, etc.
  • Efficient communication through mail, email, or phone.

Call us at 571-281-1584


​​Home Decor Services At a Glance


Discover the allure of Deep Creek Lake living with Designs For Less – your trusted partner for new construction plan reviews, renovations, or refreshing furnished properties that are outdated or which need the “BLING”. Whether you're building from the ground up or looking to enhance what you already have, our expertise transforms homes into spectacular havens without breaking the bank.

Copyright 2002-2023+ (C) Designs For Less, LLC.  No reproduction or use of any content is allowed without written permission. All Rights Reserved. Designs4Less  @designs4less  2002-2023

> Initial Home Design / New Construction

  • Furnishing solutions for entire houses or individual rooms.
  • Seamless coordination with builders for timely delivery.
  • Achieve a designer look without the hefty price tag. 

> Furnished Purchase/Rental

  • Update the interior of your recently purchased property with our assistance.
  • Budget-friendly solutions for paint, improvements, decor, and furniture.
  • Tailored services catering to various budgets and styles.

> Rental Income Increases

  • Boost rental income with simple, low-cost updates and decor changes.
  • Attract more tenants and repeat clients with refreshed properties.
  • Collaborate with rental companies and owners for improved cash flow.

> Construction Plan Review

  • Work with us to review plans, identifying often overlooked details.
  • Consideration for electrical outlets, cable, spacing, and furniture placement.
  • Save thousands by catching mistakes and avoiding construction delays.
  • Collaborate on your initial home design and rough plans.